THE SPIRIT OF THE SAGE COUNCIL has been working hard on several projects in the effort to protect & conserve ecosystems throughout the Shoshone-Gabrielino bioregion. As we pursue these actions, we will make the text of briefs, court orders, and other data available here.

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Big Tujunga Wash

  A Globally Imperiled Ecosystem
RIVERSIDEAN ALLUVIAL Fan Sage Scrub is the most threatened of Coastal Sage Scrub associations with less than 15,000-acres remaining worldwide... making it more endangered than ancient redwood forests of the pacific northwest and tropical rainforests.

Tujunga Press Release
LA Golf Course
The Sage Council Defends North Etiwanda
Reserve in Groundbreaking NCCP Suit

Etiwanda   Habitats On The Edge
COASTAL CANYONS, CANYON WASHES, Rivers, and Forests of Southern Coastal California are threatened by urban sprawl... and our government agencies failure to uphold the public trust in protecting our natural heritage.


  Fly Away Home
COASTAL WETLANDS, LAGOONS, Marshes, Dry Lakes and Riparian Habitats in Southern California and throughout the Southwestern U.S. are precious jewels that have been stolen by... land pirates with the assistance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers…

West Bluff Project

Oak Valley   Native Grasslands & Oaks
HOME TO MANY PLANTS and wildlife, including insects, native grasslands and oak woodlands provide critical habitat for birds of prey. The 6,000-acre Oak Valley area is one such place that needs to be conserved but is threatened by future development plans, including three PGA golfcourses…

Oak Valley CEQA Petition

   Where Have All The Flowers Gone?
Mariposa Lillies THE MEDITERRANEAN ZONE from southern Oregon to Baja California supports more endemic plants species than the entire U.S. and Canada combined. The forests of the Transverse Mountain Ranges rise in the midst of desert and ocean influences creating a diversity of soil types and micro-climates that support interesting and beautiful wildflowers that are threatened by mining operations, including Mitsubishi Cement Corporation.
Mitsubishi CEQA Petition
Mitsubishi Opening Brief
Mitsubishi Reply Brief
Mitsubishi Court Order