State of California Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP)Program Interim Habitat Loss Mitigation Plan to issue interim Incidental Take Permits through concurrence and in association with HCP/NCCP Agreements and ITPs for five Southern California counties (Los Angeles/Palos Verdes, San Bernardino/Valleywide, Orange, Riverside and San Diego. SPECIES: Coastal California Gnatcatcher (primary indicator), and 100 others . Interim and Incidental Take Permits Approved/Issued
Central and Coastal Subregion Natural Community Conservation Plan and Habitat Conservation Plan, Implementation Agreement and Memorandum Of Understanding For An "Advanced NCCP/HCP", County of Orange, California. SPECIES: 44 species (7 federally listed, 4 federally proposed and 28 unlisted)including the Coastal California Gnatcatcher, Pacific Pocket mouse, Peregrine Falcon, Least Bells Vireo, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Southwestern Arroyo Toad, Riverside Fairy Shrimp, Quino Checkerspot Butterfly, San Diego Fairy Shrimp, Laguna Beach Dudleya and Santa Monica Mountains Dudleya. PRT- Approved/Issued for 75 years (208,713 acres)
Colton Transmission Line and Substation Project HCP/ITP and IA, City of Colton, Colton, California. SPECIES: Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly, Santa Ana Woolly Star. PRT- Approved/Issued
Riverside County "Long-term" HCP, Riverside, California. SPECIES: Stephens' Kangaroo-Rat PRT- Approved/Issued
Temecula Entertainment Valley Habitat Conservation Plan, Riverside County, California. SPECIES: Coastal California Gnatcatcher. PRT-Approved/Issued
Aqua Manza Industrial Growth Association (AMIGA), Riverside and San Bernardino counties, California. SPECIES: Delhi sands flower-loving fly. PRT-Approved/Issued
City of San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program HCP/NCCP, Implementation Agreement and ITP, San Diego, California. SPECIES: 85 species, including the American Bald Eagle, Coastal California Gnatcatcher + others, PRT- 830421 Approved/Issued for 553,000 acres with conceptual reserve of 173,000 acres. 50 years
County of San Diego Subarea Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP), MSCP/NCCP Implementation Agreement, Section 4(d) Natural Communities Conservation Plan/ Interim Take HLMP, San Diego, California. SPECIES: American Bald Eagle, Coastal California Gnatcatcher, + others PRT- Approved/Issued
Fieldstone/La Costa Associates and City of Carlsbad HCP/ITP and Agreements, San Diego, California. SPECIES: Multiple -- Coastal California Gnatcatcher and others. PRT-795759 Approved/Issued 6/7/95 for 30 years
Plum Creek Timber Company, LP, Idaho, Montana, Washington SPECIES: bull trout, steelhead trout, and other salmonoid species. PRT- Approved/Issued
El Coronado Ranch And Cattle Company West Turkey Creek, Cochise County, Arizona SPECIES: Endangered Yaqui Chub, Threatened Yaqui Catfish, and The Unlisted Yaqui Form Of Longfin Dace. PRT- 837858 Approved/Issued
International Paper Company, HCP/ITP Safe Harbor Program and Implementation Agreement in 8 southern states -- N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana. SPECIES: Red cockaded-woodpecker PRT-833203. International Paper owns and manages 6.4 million acres of forest habitats.
Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Planning Agreement and Proposed Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP)/ITP and NCCP, Riverside, California. SPECIES: Stephens kangaroo-rat, Coastal California Gnatcatcher, Quino Checkerspot Butterfly, Bald Eagle, Riverside Fairy Shrimp and others. PRT-Proposed
San Bernardino Valley-wide Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP), California Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), County of San Bernardino, California. SPECIES: San Bernardino kangaroo rat, Santa Ana woolly star, Coastal California Gnatcatcher and others PRT-Proposed
Lockheed Martin Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) for the Potrero Creek and Beaumont Gateway Sites, City of Beaumont, County of Riverside, California. SPECIES: San Bernardino kangaroo-rat, Coastal California Gnatcatcher and others. PRT- Proposed
North County San Diego Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP) and NCCP, Cities of Encinitas, Carlsbad and others, California. SPECIES: Coastal California Gnatcatcher + others. PRT- Proposed
Sweetwater River HCP/ITP and Agreements, Rancho Santa Fe, California. SPECIES: Multiple -- Coastal California Gnatcatcher, Least Bells Vireo and other species. PRT Approved/Issued
UNOCAL Coyote Hills HCP/ITP and Agreements, City of Fullerton, California. SPECIES: Coastal California Gnatcatcher and others. PRT Approved/Issued.
Shell Corporation and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California HCP ITP and IA, City of Yorba Linda, California. SPECIES: Coastal California Gnatcatcher. PRT Approved/Issued.
Memorial Heights HCP/ITP and Agreement, San Diego County, California. SPECIES: Coastal California Gnatcatcher. PRT Approved/Issued.
Yeager Construction Company "Wildwash HCP", San Bernardino, California. SPECIES: Mojave ground squirrel, desert Tortoise, loggerhead shrike. PRT- Proposed
Natomas Basin HCP, Sacramento and Sutter Counties, California. SPECIES: giant garter snake, Aleutian Canada Goose, valley elderberry longhorn beetle, vernal pool fairy shrimp, peregrine falcon, conservancy fairy shrimp, vernal pool tadpole shrimp, palmate birds beak, slender orcutt grass, hairy orcutt grass, Sacramento orcutt grass, California tiger salamander, Swainsons hawk, greater sandhill crane, bank swallow, Boggs Lake hedge-hyssop, Aharts dwarf flax. PRT-823773 17, 500 acres Approved 1997 for 50 years. Amendment Proposed 1998 No Surprises
Balcones Canyonlands HCP/ITP and Agreements, Texas. SPECIES: Golden cheeked warbler, black capped vireo and 174 others. PRT Approved/Issued indefinitely 100+ (632,960 acres)
Southern Orange County HCP NCCP and Agreements, County of Orange, California. SPECIES: Coastal California Gnatcatcher, Peregrine Falcon, Least Bells Vireo, Southwestern Arroyo Toad and others. PRT- Proposed MOA approved
Seneca Resources Corporation and Enron Oil & Gas Company "West Landslide HCP Kern County, California. SPECIES: San Joaquin kit fox, blunt-nosed leopard lizard, giant kangaroo rat, California Condor, Hoovers eriastrum, San Joaquin antelope squirrel, short-nosed kangaroo rat, western burrowing owl, recurved larkspur PRT- Proposed 1998
Millacoma Tree Farm HCP/ITP and Agreements, California. SPECIES: Peregrine Falcon, Northern Spotted Owl and 26 others. PRT Approved/Issued for 50 years (209,000 acres)
Elliot State Forest HCP/ITP and Agreements, Oregon. SPECIES: American Bald Eagle, Northern Spotted Owl and 4 salmonoid species. PRT- Approved/Issued for 60 years (93,000 acres)
Weyerhauser Willamette HCP/ITP and Agreement, Oregon. SPECIES: All Species. PRT- Approved/Issued for 40-80 years (397,000 acres)
Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) Multi-species HCP/ITP and Agreement, including proposed land exchanges. SPECIES: Northern Spotted Owl and multiple others. PRT- Proposed and currently being negotiated privately with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Fruit Growers Supply (a division of Sunkist Corporation) HCP/ITP and Agreement. SPECIES: Northern Spotted Owl, Salmon and multiple other species. PRT- Proposed under private negotiations
Northern California/Five County Multi-Species HCP/ITP and Agreement, Siskiyou, Trinity, Humboldt, Del Norte and Mendocino Counties in Northern California. SPECIES: Aquatic -- principally salmonid species. PRT- Proposed and under private negotiations.
Washington Department of Natural Resources DNR) HCP/ITP and Agreement, Washington. SPECIES: Gray Wolves, Grizzly Bears, Northern Spotted Owls, Colombian White-Tailed Deer, Oregon Silverspot Butterflies, American Bald Eagles, Marbled Murrelets, Aleutian Canada Geese, Peregrine Falcons and Bull Trout. PRT-812521 Approved/Issued 1997 amended 1998 for Bull Trout (Statewide 1,600,000 acres)
Port Blakely HCP/ITP and Agreements, Washington. SPECIES: American Bald Eagle, Marbled Murrelet, Northern Spotted Owl, Peregrine Falcon and 42 others. PRT Approved/Issued for 50 years (7,486 acres)
Murray Pacific HCP/ITP and Agreements, Washington. SPECIES: Grizzly Bear, Gray Wolf, Northern Spotted Owl, Marbled Murrelet and others. PRT Approved/Issued for 100 years (53,537 acres)
Plum Creek Timber Company HCP/ITP and Agreements, Washington. SPECIES: Grey Wolf, Northern Spotted Owl, Grizzly Bear, Marbled Murrelet and 29 others named out of 285 vertebrate species. PRT Approved/Issued for 50-100 years (169,177 acres)
Gulf States Paper Corporation HCP, ITP includes a Safe Harbor Program/Memorandum of Agreement Conservation Plan, Alabama. SPECIES: Red cockaded woodpeckers, American Bald Eagle + others. PRT-842707 Proposed
Friendfield Plantation/White Oak Bay Tract, Georgetown County, South Carolina. SPECIES: Red-Cockaded Woodpecker PRT-827374 Approved/Issued 3,338 acre area.
Rellim Redwood Company HCP/ITP and IA, Del Norte County, California. SPECIES: Marbled Murrelett, Spotted Owl, Coho salmon and 40 unlisted species. PRT- Approved
Obyan Beach Resort Assoc. and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands HCP/ITP and IA , Saipan. SPECIES: Nightingale reed-warbler, Micronesian megapod. PRT-824821 Proposed for 50 years (814 acres)