"No Surprises" Campaign
- The most revolutionary endangered species campaign since the ESA
was enacted in 1973! This site includes text from litigation, scientific
papers, reports to congress, species affected, HCP list, news releases,
and how you can add your support. |
Threatened and Endangered Species - Sage Council's database and
list of commentary chronologically on Incidental Take Permits &
Habitat Conservation Plans since 1994. Includes comments on FWS listing
proposals and draft recovery plans. |
The "Safe Harbor" Campaign
- "Dont put all the eggs in one basket!
or STOP the
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and timber logging companies from
translocation and consolidation of endangered species in order to
destroy habitats and landscape linkages. Find out more about this
cutting-edge and controversial endangered species issue. Is it possible
to recover endangered species while giving assurances to timber companies
and developers that the habitat can be destroyed? Includes an activists
guide by the National Endangered Species Network. |
U.S. House of Representatives
"Task Force" Hearing on the ESA - Testimony made by
Leeona Klippstein, Spirit of the Sage Council and National Endangered
Species Network, Riverside, California. |
Natural Communities Conservation
Planning Program (NCCP) - Review the Sage Councils Coastal
California Gnatcatcher and Coastal Sage Scrub Data Base - A catalog
of interim and incidental take permits issued (absent recovery) in
association with the State of California "Natural Communities
Conservation Planning" Program ("NCCP") and Secretary
Babbitt's section 4(d) special rule. |
News Updates
- Latest news articles and features on endangered species that
the Sage Council is actively defending. |
Species Act of 1973 - As amended
through the 100th Congress. Complete text |
Amendments of 1982 - U.S. House
of Representatives "Conference Report" to accompany H.R.
6133. Explains congressional intent regarding changes to the ESA.
Complete text. |